Functional Listening Index – Paediatric®

Track the developing listening skills of babies and children

The Functional Listening Index – Paediatric or FLI-P® has been developed in a partnership between The Shepherd Centre, The HEARing CRC and Cochlear and is designed to assist the tracking and monitoring of a child’s listening skills in everyday situations. The tool can be used for any child from birth to six years of age, with any degree, type or level of hearing. The tool is designed for parents, caregivers, teachers or health professionals, with thorough instructions on how to administer the test and review the results. The FLI-P® is based on clinical research conducted by the HEARing CRC and The Shepherd Centre since 2013.

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What is Functional Listening and why is it important to track?

Functional listening describes how an individual listens in natural environments and settings, therefore the FLI-P® uses everyday scenarios and simple language.

As listening is the foundation of spoken language and communication skills, tracking a child’s early functional skill development can help to indicate whether intervention or support may be required.

Locations in the world currently using the FLI-P™

Who is currently using the FLI-P®?

The Functional Listening Index – Paediatric is currently being used globally in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Europe, North and South America and through Asia.

Teachers: Accredited one day workshops are available, for more information go to: Professional Development

Professionals – we are so convinced that you are going to love using the FLI-P® that we’d like to invite you to try it for FREE using our downloadable printables.


Hear what professionals are saying about the Functional Listening Index – Paediatric:

In 2018 developers of the FLI-P® won Best Oral Presentation Winner – Audiology Programme at the 34th World Congress of Audiology in Cape Town.

The following presentations and posters help to understand what the Functional Listening Index Paediatric is and the research that has aided in its development.

34th World Congress 2018 Award Winner

FLI-P® Educational Resources

Presentation: Shifting Focus: Using Functional Listening Skills to Guide Paediatric Cochlear Implant Evaluation

FLI-P® as a guide to Paediatric Rehabilitation

Language is caught
not taught

Development of the Functional Listening Index Tool would not be possible without the following partners:

cochlear logo

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