‘Had to grieve those moments’: Michelle spent hours singing to her daughter who couldn’t hear

When Michelle Cook fell pregnant for the first time she and her husband Robert would spend hours trying to connect with their growing bub.

“We would have these wonderful intimate moments as a family where we would talk to Riley,” she tells 9Honey Parenting, recalling the special time in her life.

When Riley was finally born, the family had to face the fact their daughter never heard a word they spoke to her.

“I had to grieve those moments,” Michelle says.

At two weeks of age, Riley was diagnosed with bilateral profound hearing loss, effecting both her ears.

“We were surprised when Riley failed the screening test in the hospital, then concerned when she failed the test on the third occasion and we were referred to the Sydney Children’s Hospital for a diagnostic test,” mum Michelle recalled.

The first-time parents were petrified to learn of their newborn daughter’s diagnosis, with no family history of hearing loss.

“We were grateful that Riley was healthy, but being first-time parents you have emotions and concerns with raising your newborn because you don’t really know what you’re doing,” she explained.

In the midst of the worry and concern, Michelle couldn’t help but think back on those special moments she shared with her daughter in the womb.

“When you’re pregnant, you’re told to sing and speak to your unborn baby as much as possible,” she says.

“I was sad when we learned she did not hear those conversations.”

However, the new parents stayed strong, and with the help of the The Shepherd Centre at the hospital they were supported through the daunting journey.

“The speed at which we connected with them was remarkable. Riley wasn’t even a month old,” Michelle shares.

The organisation specialises in helping children with hearing loss learn to listen and speak and has been operating for over 50 years.

Now as Riley turns one, Michelle and Robert could not be more proud of their thriving daughter.

“She enjoys the park, spending time with grandparents and cousins, she attends swimming lessons and she recently started going to daycare,” her mum tells 9Honey Parenting.

With the help of cochlear implants, which she received at six months of age, Riley can enjoy the simple pleasures of reading a book and singing nursery rhymes everyday moments most parents can enjoy with their kids without a second thought.

“Having access to sound from a young age is giving Riley that choice.”

Michelle and Robert can’t wait to see what their extraordinary little girl achieves in the coming years.

“Riley’s hearing loss is part of her identity and it will shape who she is, but it won’t define her.”

To read the full article by Nikolina Keovska Kharoufeh click here. 

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